

Founder of Planning Ahead of Time (End of Life planning).

Creator of Night of Our Light (Annual event honouring spirit).

Reiki Master, Holistic Therapist and Mental Health First Aider.

Psychic Medium. Speaker.

Planning Ahead of Time

In April 2021 a long term friend died by suicide and the impact ricocheted through my community of friends. The subsequent weeks left so many questions, such devastation, and no answers. Time spent with the loved ones allowed me to see the devastating impact the death had. Not just through suicide, but through the love that needed more… more time, more information, more understanding and definitely more help. I found myself wondering how different it could be for the loved ones to have that… and from there, Our Light Inside was conceptualised. It allowed me to blend my passion for business, with my desire to help others, giving me the purpose of creating light from the darkness. I want to make death easier for the living and more peaceful for the dying.


The aim is to encourage conversations around the subject of dying and promote a funeral as a unique celebration of the person’s life. When presented with a terminal diagnosis the majority of people put their personal affairs in order, plan their funeral to represent their life and say their goodbyes, with the sole intention of making their death easier on their loved ones. This planning is done through the pain of facing their mortality, however their funerals are often such beautiful personalised tributes and their families are left knowing that they were celebrated in the way they wanted. This is so much more difficult for loved ones when the death arrives without warning and they must try to guess those wishes whilst in the height of their grief. Our Light Inside allows for personal planning without the pain of a terminal diagnosis.

My website can be viewed at Planning Ahead of Time.

Night Of Our Light

After visiting Mexico and learning of the Day of the Dead, I believed in the importance of celebrating the lives of our dead loved ones. I had found through my work that the way someone dies can be the way they are remembered rather than for the life they  lived. In the UK specifically, death is not an easy topic to discuss and therefore I wanted to create something that would be received positively. In Mexico the celebration is held over two days, however I felt an evening to allow for celebration and reflection would be appropriate. Many people, due to moving locations and cremations, do not have a grave to visit to pay their respects and I felt it could also be appropriate from that perspective. Once Our Light Inside was conceptualised, it seemed fitting to link the two by naming it Night of Our Light.

The first Night of Our Light was held in 2021 at my local village church where hundreds of candles were lit in the churchyard. Visitors were encouraged to light candles inside in honour of loved ones, and names were read out during the evening. The most used word to describe the evening was ‘magical’. This event will be held annually on 3rd November. If you would like to hold an event near you, please ‘get in touch’.


Dayle … thank you, thank you. My time with you was so so incredible … actually I can’t find the words to explain what it meant to me … but such a great deal. Feeling the presence of my father was
Dayle - Testimonial - Tarot
Dayle - Testimonial - Psychic Reading J